

From 14 October 2023 to 20 January 2024

Aux Futurs Ancestraux, from digital art to video games

Curator : Isabelle Arvers

“When we say that the future is ancestral, it has more to do with DNA than genealogy. It’s worldview: it’s the ability to go back to an event that created the world and is alive in you. We want a constant creation of everything and ourselves. This is what happens in DNA, the code handed [...] +

from 8th april to 13th july 2023

Christina Kubisch, Magnetic Interstices

by Christina Kubisch

The exhibition Christina Kubisch: Magnetic Interstices invites us to a unique sound experience, to discover sounds that the human ear cannot normally hear, with a proposal of both historical and more recent works by the artist. +

Du 18 octobre 2022 au 21 janvier 2023 // Vernissage le jeudi 20 octobre 2022 de 18h30 à 21h

Post Growth – Imaginaires pour une société post-croissance

Commissariat : Collectif [Maria Roszkowska, Nicolas Maigret, Baruch Gottlieb, Jerome Saint-Clair] avec Clémence Seurat, Julien Maudet, Nicolas Nova, Pauline Briand

Quelles composantes idéologiques, sociales et biophysiques ont précipité les crises environnementales actuelles ? De quels leviers disposons-nous afin de transformer les pratiques et les imaginaires pour se défaire de la croissance continue de nos empreintes énergétiques ? +
Exhibition : 9th of April / 16th of July 2022 Vernissage : Saturday the 9th of April at 5pm

Irisations (Iridescences)

Curator : Mathieu Vabre

Curation by Mathieu Vabre  Vernissage Saturday the 9th of April at 5pm, with the artists Natalia de Mello – Adrien Lucca –Hernan Zambrano –Lucien Bitaux…    +
Rie Nakajima - Pierre Berthet
Performance // Outside event
Saturday the 25th of June

Back to the Trees

Association Elektrophonie and l’Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon Franche-Comté

The Espace multimédia Gantner presents,for this new edition of  Back to the Trees, organized the Elektrophonie association and the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts de Besançon Franche-Comté, a performance by the artists Rie  Nakajima and Pierre Berthet.  +
Bicentennial Fair of the Future
Saturday the 18th of June from 10:00 to 7:30 PM

Bicentennial Fair of the Future

Espace multimédia Gantner and the Département du territoire de Belfort

2022, it’s time to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Département of the Territoire de Belfort’s creation. For the occasion, festivity and meetings will occur around the past century, our changes of lifestyles, landscapes and sociocultural environment. +
FIMU 2022 // Sonant Installation
from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2022

UperQT by Cod.act


Since 2012, the Espace multimédia Gantner displays works of art at the FIMU festival (Festival International de Musique Universitaire) at the heart of the old horse manège. In ten years, the manège became a must see of the festival. +
Round table // at L'Arche (Villerupt)
Thursday the 28th of April at 1:00 PM

To collect and conserve digital art

A coproduction Hacnum and les ensembles 2.2 

The main difficulties with a collection of digital art are connected to the particularities of digital technologies, such as planned obsolescence of hardwares and softwares that are a major weakness for the pieces. +
Sunday the 3rd of April at 8PM

In Space with Sonic Protest – Christine Groult + Marc Namblard // Qba Janicki

Christine Groult + Marc Namblard // Qba Janicki

The astounding Sonic Protest Festival (Paris)  – Suzanne Ciani, les Harry’s, Cut Hands etc.- is offering once more, an exceptionnal concert with a great figure of electroacoustic music, trained by Pierre Schaefer’s GRM : Christine Groult. She will perform together with audio naturalist Marc Namblard, whom Stéphane Manchematin and Serge Steyer dedicated a super film [...] +

From April 9th to July 16th 2022


Curator : Mathieu Vabre

Irisations merges kinetic art, optical art (op art) and contemporary creation in the digital era. It participates in the renewal of these major artistic movements of the 20th century. The works presented here are exploring the radiation of light, its spectrum its colours as well as the perceptual phenomenon. +